I appreciated New York Times blog-writer Tara Parker-Pope’s suggestion to replace New Year resolutions with mission statements. This posting is abridged from her longer posting, Creating a New Mission Statement (1.5.2015).
simcha's postings about love, connection, parenting & personal growth
I appreciated New York Times blog-writer Tara Parker-Pope’s suggestion to replace New Year resolutions with mission statements. This posting is abridged from her longer posting, Creating a New Mission Statement (1.5.2015).
Wendy Wood, a professor of psychology and business at the University of Southern California, says that a habit only becomes bad “when it starts interfering with other important goals you may have.” This piece is adapted from the New York Times article Turning a New Year’s Resolution Into Action With the Facts (1.9.2015).
Environmental cues tend to shape our actions because they subtly license us to behave poorly. And perhaps vice versa.
The linkage between social order and crime was demonstrated by the “Broken Window” theory, put forth by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling in a 1982 article for The Atlantic Monthly.